Christoph Schallenberg & Egarat Kaoroprat

Inhouse – Blog No. 2


Nurol Arslan,

May we introduce?

Christoph & Egi
We are very pleased to welcome Christoph Schallenberg and Egarat Kaoroprat to our team and the BSgroup Data Analytics Family.

New Power BI & Azure Cloud Experts at BSgroup Data Analytics

Power BI expert Christoph Schallenberg

Christoph has been supporting us as a Data & Analytics consultant since August. Before that, he was Senior Revenue Manager at SV Group and brings incredible expertise in the area of ​​Power BI. In his free time he likes to travel by camper or bike and explore the Alps.

Azure Cloud expert Egarat Kaoroprat

Egarat «Egi» has been with us since November and is always at our customers’ side as Senior Consultant Data & Analytics. Egi previously worked at Swisscom as a data & analytics consultant and is the Azure cloud expert par excellence. In her private life, Egi is always inquiring about the latest technologies and gadgets and also keeps fit with calisthenics.


Christoph Schallenberg,
Consultant Data & Analytics

team meeting
with the new employees


Egarat Kaoroprat,
Senior Consultant Data & Analytics